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Sinister Fairy Tales Collection

Premiering October 4, 2019!

Check out the covers today and add to your #TBR Goodreads ➜

❝Once upon a time, there was a faction of authors who frolicked in darkness and forged twisted tales. Their hearts, while still pure, adored those childhood fairy tales of royal princesses and true love’s first kiss, but their villainous minds craved danger and sinister delights—as did many of the readers in Romancelandia. And so these authors came together, each one choosing a beloved tale they’d manipulate and blanket in darkness. How vastly will fates change? Will maleficence reign supreme? Is true love’s first kiss enough to save their souls?❞

👑 Novels Included 👑 October 4, 2019: Heart Thief by Ker Dukey October 15, 2019: Venom by Dee Garcia October 29, 2019: Cold Queen by K Webster November 12, 2019: Sacrifice by @N. N Isabelle Blanco December 9, 2019: Insolent by @Cynthia A. Cynthia A Rodriguez December 17, 2019: Madness by Kailee Reese Samuels January 6, 2020: The Hunted by Bethany-Kris January 25, 2020: Beasts by Scarlett Snow February 6, 2020: Legend by Megan R. Leahy February 20, 2020: Mirage by @C.M. CM Radcliff March 3, 2020: Imprisoned by @K.L. KL Donn March 17, 2020: Lock by Kimberly Knight April 2, 2020: Stealing Cinderella by A. Zavarelli April 14, 2020: Savage by Hazel Grace Author May 5, 2020: Abducted by @K.I. KI Lynn May 12, 2020: Winter’s Arrow by Lexi C. Foss May 26, 2020: Starlet by Cora Kenborn June 10, 2020: Zhanshi by Anna Edwards

For more information and up to date information regarding this collection visit ➜

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