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Alessio The Guzzi Legacy #2 by Bethany-Kris

Sweet Holy titfire. It is rare that I struggle for words, especially when those words are about books, but this one has done precisely that. Hell, to be honest, the first one did too but THIS book... I live for literature because it is magic. There is power in the words. They make me feel in the same way that music does and sometimes it even moves me more. That was the case in this book. This author wove a story that was so beautiful that I found myself rereading certain passages because of the power and the semblance of the words.

I knew going in that this one would have a lot more angst than the first part of this duet. I just had no idea how much angst. I knew that I loved all three of these characters but what I felt for them PALED in comparison to what I felt for them in this book. I knew that being in a polyamorous relationship comes with challenges. Often in books, it is glossed over or just assumed it would be eventually accepted. However, this author didn't. She showed the challenges that might and actually did arise, in a way that even as openminded that I am still left me questioning why I had never thought about it that way. I am not sure if it was because I have never been in this type of relationship, or if it was because I felt EVERYTHING these characters went through as they vacillated in trying to figure out their own place in the "ven diagram" (god I loved this scene). The author did a great job showing the ups and downs of a relationship. Only add in three instead of two. I bow down to her greatness because this truly moved me. Love truly is love and should only matter to those involved.

I loved getting all three of their perspectives. I enjoyed digging deeper into Alessio and what made him the way that he is. Ginny, sweet lord, this girl, truly was the sun and Corrado and Les were definitely in her orbit. Her ability to be one person and somehow different depending on who was with her was incredible. They were al the yin-yang of each other. I am not sure that even exists but it needs to because these three completed each other. Add in some of the hottest scenes that I HAVE ever read that were so beautifully done but so erotic that my iPad almost melted and yeah.. this book/duet became sublime bliss.

I will say it until I am blue in the face. This author could write me a the McDonald's menu and I would read it OVER and OVER again despite the fact that I haven't eaten McD's for over ten years. I highly recommend anyone to read this. Hands down my favorite that this author has written. Considering her amazing collection of stories that in itself speaks volumes because I have loved every one of those too but they aren't Les, Corrado, and Ginny.

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